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What is a ‘green library’?
The concept can take on many broad guises and has variously been applied to library buildings, strategies, equipment, data collection, services and projects, librarian qualifications and practice, external partnerships, and sustainable development (Fedorowicz-Kruszewska, 2022; Li and Yang, 2023). Here at Teesside, we want it to apply to raising concern for environmental issues and encouraging practical action. These webpages explore some of the action we've taken, what's happening at the University, and how you can get involved.
In response to UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP 26), the Green Libraries Partnership was launched in 2022 to ‘learn, inspire and engage with the sector and beyond to support a better climate agenda’ (Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, 2023) and was led by the Library and Information Association (CILIP). Work included the creation of a ‘Green Libraries Manifesto’, a set of seven principles to encourage and grow environmental initiatives across local communities. These are:
Teesside University Library is just one of hundreds of libraries who have signed this pledge as the Green Libraries Partnership has moved to become the Green Libraries Campaign. Here at Teesside we aim to work with these pledges to provide informative events, provide opportunities for students, work with local community agencies, encourage sound environmental practice and proactive 'green' work.
Green Library Reading